Our Ministries


Men’s Ministry

Calling all men of purpose! Join us every Monday at 6 PM for our impactful Men's Service at church. Together, we'll seek growth, fellowship, and a deeper connection with our faith. Don't miss this opportunity to stand strong and united. See you there!

Women’s Ministry

Our ministry is dedicated to strengthening and enriching the spiritual lives of women. We come together to grow together in faith, friendship, and purpose. Join our community where you will find support, inspiration, and a beautiful connection with God and with other women. We are waiting with open arms!

Youth Ministry

Ignite your faith journey! Youth Service awaits you every Thursday at 6 PM in our church. Engaging worship, meaningful discussions, and a vibrant community of young believers await.


Welcome to our Kids' Ministry! We're dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment where children can learn about God's love, grow in their faith, and build meaningful relationships. Through engaging activities, relevant teachings, and caring volunteers, we aim to partner with parents in raising kids who love and follow Jesus. We're excited to journey with your family!